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教程:使用Adobe Premiere Pro的轨道哑光效果将效果应用到图像的一部分

本教程演示了如何将效果应用于视频图像的一部分,同时保持剪辑的其余部分不变, 以及如何在整个剪辑过程中跟踪图像的这一部分, using the Track Matte effect in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

Sometimes you need to apply an effect to only a specific area of a clip, while leaving other portions of the image unaffected. For example, maybe you lit a scene unevenly, and want to brighten, darken, 或者在不影响图像其他部分的情况下对其中的一部分进行色彩校正, even those in the same tonal range.

或者,您可能想要更艺术地应用效果,如示例中的 Figure 1 (below), where I’ve applied a Black & White filter to the background, 同时让我的女儿在跳《欧洲杯在哪投注》时保持全身的颜色 Nutcracker. Because we’re working with video, rather than a still image, 这并不像将相同的效果应用于静止图像的一部分那么简单, 因为我们想要将效果应用于图像的那一部分-通常是一个对象, or in this case, a person--is likely to move. But it's actually easier than it might seem, once you learn how to use the Track Matte effect in Adobe Premiere Pro, which I’ll demonstrate in this tutorial.

Figure 1. 在adobepremiere Pro中应用于片段的黑白滤镜,其中一个区域保留为全彩. Click the image to see it at full size.

Duplicating the Video Portion of the Clip

So, how did we create this? 让我们从我在这个特定序列中使用的子剪辑开始,然后创建一个新序列. You can see the subclip that I used, 什么-花就在图1中项目面板的教程剪辑下面. I’ll drag that onto the new item.

When you’re using a track matte, 你必须复制剪辑的视频部分,并把它直接放在原来的顶部. 只选择剪辑的视频部分(这样就不会复制音频), 按住Option键(Mac)或Alt键(Windows)并单击时间轴上的剪辑. Then right-click, choose Copy, and tell Premiere Pro to put it on Video 2, and then press Control+V to paste it.

Figure 2 (below) shows the two clips that I made in the timeline, and as you can see in the Program Monitor, they look pretty much like one clip.

Figure 2. Two identical clips in place in Video 1 and Video 2. Click the image to see it at full size.

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